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My 2019 Ranger (built Feb 2019) battery bit the dust at 23 months. I turned the Auto Update feature off right after I bought it. I can only guess sitting in the dealer lot for a couple of months before I bought it during the "lockdown" didn't do it any good. I drive it every day so we'll see what happens.Best thing I did for my battery was to permanently install a charger/maintainer and a hookup so I can just plug an extension cord into it to keep my battery happy.
I've got a 2019 still on the OG battery. That battery still checks out in excellent condition when I have it tested every time I bring it in for its service. And yet, the BMS will start turning stuff off after 2-3 weeks because even though I drive it every couple of days, I guess it's not sufficient to keep it topped up on its own.