Search results

  1. Trickle Charger

    So I get to stay home for a bit. I decided to put a trickle charger on the truck. Especially since the auto start stop never engaged due to ”vehicle charging.” Now, I’m not very handy but I think this turned out ok. Definitely needs a couple more inches on the battery wires. 1 issue of...
  2. Sliders Installed

    Got them today. No issues. Was a little difficult on the drivers side front as there is a huge plug to work around. They were delivered today. And I hate those stupid nuts but it’s the only way to do it I suppose.
  3. Black Widow

    So. Getting a level installed today. Saw this when I dropped mine off.
  4. HAM Radio Intalled

    Finally got the radio installed. Running the wires was a major pain. Ended up running them down the left side towards the back of the truck. It seems no matter what route it tried I kept running into some sort of barrier. Once the wires came down by the gas pedal, I zip tied them all over to the...
  5. Ranger Rental

    So I went out of state and was upgraded to a Ranger for my rental. It was an XLT. Made me glad I got the Lariat. It was an FX4 and had running boards but that was it. I am used to just keeping my key in my pocket. The tiny screen is useless. It also seemed a lot less powerful than mine. I guess...
  6. Functional Sliders

    anyone know of a functional slider? I don’t need a step. O just want something that can offer some protection in case I mess up.
  7. HAM Radio Audio

    I am planning out my HAM radio install. I want to make it as clean as possible. That means the main radio body will be hidden away and only the faceplate will be visible. Usually thie audio is routed through an external speaker. I do t really want to mount an external speaker anywhere. Anyone...
  8. Website shows delivered!

    mime just went to delivered today! Can’t wait until I can go pick it up!
