Do you have the part number of the pump from Amazon?Easy fluid swap out (without filter)......
!. Buy a tranny Fitzstick from Mike.
2. Install the Fitzstick.
3. Buy several cases of proper tranny fluid, either Ford or Valvoline (cheaper when on sale at NAPA Auto)
4. Buy a $16-$20 buck 12 volt transfer pump from Amazon
5 thru 50. Every 10-12 thousand miles pump fluid from tranny pan ...easy-peasy with Fitzstick and pump. Should be able to pump 6-7 quarts out, and replace with new. Repeat every 10-12 thousand miles and you will be constantly running fresh fluid in your tranny.
Pump and Fitzstick will also make it much easier and less messy when you decide to drop pan and change filter. you have the part number of the pump from Amazon?
Thank you very much, just added it to my cart
This is what I bought. One of the hoses is even the right size to go all the way down the Fitzstick to the bottom of the pan.
Until it no longer passes the required amount of fluid.A dirty filter, filters better than a new one.
Reminds of the time I was working on a big old International tractor. Customer was complaining about loss of power. He even tried things like turning up the fuel (diesel). All that did was make more black smoke. I checked the air filter, must have been about a half acre worth of dirt in it. I still can't believe he spent all that time and effort and never thought to check the filter.Until it no longer passes the required amount of fluid.