Issues upon issues


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Feb 2, 2019
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Oregon coast
19' Ranger XLT 4X4, 1999 Ford F-250SD 7.3L 6Spd SuperCab Long-Bed, 05 Suzuki bandit 1200s, 16' Suzuki bandit 1250s
Water systems. Rv/ Trailer Transport.
Vehicle Showcase
So my ranger had some issues awhile back. had random misfire and coolant smell from exhaust as well as missing coolant. Took it in and they couldn’t replicate the problem. took it back again and they found coolant in cyl 3 and replaced head gasket as well as the turbo as they found it had excessive play in the shaft. well the problem is still there and i’ve gone through over a gallon of coolant and still get the misfire as well as the cel illuminating. the truck now has a noticeable ping when you get on it and will pull back the boost rapidly under load. the dealership has had my truck 2 months and they said they cant replicate the problem. but they havent even taken the truck on a drive. there is only 3000 miles on it since the headgasket was replaced and i quit driving it when it started missing and losing coolant. Ive been without this truck for months. Was told to take it to another dealership but i wont drive it in its condition. i’m at a loss and dont want to lose my cool. I took it back to the same dealership that made the repairs.

thanks and sorry for the book.



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Mar 17, 2022
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where is it going? Leaking, in the oil, out the exhaust? should not be hard to figure out that much loss. Sounds like a different dealer is in order,it's a 2019 do you have extended warranty or is it covered under 60K engine? good luck!



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So my ranger had some issues awhile back. had random misfire and coolant smell from exhaust as well as missing coolant. Took it in and they couldn’t replicate the problem. took it back again and they found coolant in cyl 3 and replaced head gasket as well as the turbo as they found it had excessive play in the shaft. well the problem is still there and i’ve gone through over a gallon of coolant and still get the misfire as well as the cel illuminating. the truck now has a noticeable ping when you get on it and will pull back the boost rapidly under load. the dealership has had my truck 2 months and they said they cant replicate the problem. but they havent even taken the truck on a drive. there is only 3000 miles on it since the headgasket was replaced and i quit driving it when it started missing and losing coolant. Ive been without this truck for months. Was told to take it to another dealership but i wont drive it in its condition. i’m at a loss and dont want to lose my cool. I took it back to the same dealership that made the repairs.

thanks and sorry for the book.
Take it another dealer, but get a written note from your current dealer telling you to do so.



First Name
Feb 2, 2019
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Oregon coast
19' Ranger XLT 4X4, 1999 Ford F-250SD 7.3L 6Spd SuperCab Long-Bed, 05 Suzuki bandit 1200s, 16' Suzuki bandit 1250s
Water systems. Rv/ Trailer Transport.
Vehicle Showcase
Well it sounds like it is going to be on Ford's sime. I would also look at getting Ford Customer Care involved. Also this definitely sounds like a first on the coolant in the cylinder
I contacted customer care and customer care contacted the dealer, dealer said they couldn’t replicate the problem. customer care told me to take it to another dealer, otherwise there is nothing they can do. customer care never responded to any of my replies after initial contact. not impressed.


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Bondurant, WY
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Before you take it to another dealer, talk to that "new dealer's" service mgr and explain the issue. Bring your previous paperwork from the head gasket replacement.

I'm guessing you have a warped or cracked head and the previous dealer didn't check it when the gasket was replaced. I think the head on our Rangers is Aluminum (Yes/no?) and Al is very difficult to "true." That means the normal "fix" is head replacement although a speciality shop can true it.

Is there white smoke when first started? If so, that's water in the cylinder(s). If you don't want to drive it, take the plugs out and look inside the cylinder with a bore scope see if you can see evidence of water. Look for water droplets or, since you haven't driven it for some time there may be some evidence of rust. If you have a towing rider on your insurance policy you should be able to get it towed to a different dealer.

There is a good possibility the dealer that replaced the gasket knows what the issue is but doesn't want to fix the problem because, assuming it's their faulty repair, they will have to "eat" fixing it. Even if your truck is under warranty, Ford is very reluctant to pay for a repair the dealer botched.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
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2020 Ranger
So my ranger had some issues awhile back. had random misfire and coolant smell from exhaust as well as missing coolant. Took it in and they couldn’t replicate the problem. took it back again and they found coolant in cyl 3 and replaced head gasket as well as the turbo as they found it had excessive play in the shaft. well the problem is still there and i’ve gone through over a gallon of coolant and still get the misfire as well as the cel illuminating. the truck now has a noticeable ping when you get on it and will pull back the boost rapidly under load. the dealership has had my truck 2 months and they said they cant replicate the problem. but they havent even taken the truck on a drive. there is only 3000 miles on it since the headgasket was replaced and i quit driving it when it started missing and losing coolant. Ive been without this truck for months. Was told to take it to another dealership but i wont drive it in its condition. i’m at a loss and dont want to lose my cool. I took it back to the same dealership that made the repairs.

thanks and sorry for the book.
Go to the dealership you purchased it from, and ask to speak to the G.M. Explain the issue, and request the telephone number of the Ford Appeals Board. Don’t leave until you have the number.
Then, Call the Board. They’ll shake the tree.

Ranger Lariat

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Feb 11, 2022
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...the dealership has had my truck 2 months...
I'm not sure what state you are in, so might not be the same for you, I'm not sure. But... you are for sure in "Lemon Law" territory. I would, because I have (the reason I'm not driving what I was, a different "brand", a truck with just 2000mi on it, anymore), used a lawyer and got the manufacturer to buy back my truck INCLUDING ALL of the OEM AND some of the aftermarket upgrades that were done to it.

Sounds like your truck is a literal mess. And (just my opinion), will NEVER be 100% "right" no matter what they do / fix it.

That is just wrong. Something that costs as much as a vehicle does should work 110%. IF you buy a toaster and it doesn't work you take it back to the story and get you money back OR another BRAND NEW one. If it's a $50K truck it's YOU that has to fight for it to be right. That is just wrong. Period.

"Built FORD Tough"?

Ranger Lariat

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2022
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Hot Wheel
Go to the dealership you purchased it from, and ask to speak to the G.M. Explain the issue, and request the telephone number of the Ford Appeals Board. Don’t leave until you have the number.
Then, Call the Board. They’ll shake the tree.
Tell the G.M. AND FORD that what you want it a new replacement truck, because yours will never be 100% right, not after what you've explained about it. Your truck is NEW, only 3kmi on it. When you bought a NEW truck it should work 100%. Tell them you want a replacement NEW truck. Of course that will NEVER happen, because for some reason, buying a vehicle is NOT like buying anything else, which is ridiculous.


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Nov 29, 2021
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DFW Texas
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I contacted customer care and customer care contacted the dealer, dealer said they couldn’t replicate the problem. customer care told me to take it to another dealer, otherwise there is nothing they can do. customer care never responded to any of my replies after initial contact. not impressed.
sadly that is pretty close to the same experience i had with ford customer care as well. job one for them is tell customer take it to a dealer. job two for them is help you find and schedule for a dealer appointment.


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Nov 29, 2021
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in 2018 I bought a 2019 mustang gt brand new and it had the engine knock like crazy. didnt make it 400 miles before it was a nightmare. so after several rounds with ford dealer service, ford customer dont care and fords "area service manger" the person that finally help me get something done was the general manager of the dealer i bought from. I went to his office in person, and calm but firm explained the situation and the run around i was getting. He understood and agreed. He called someone at ford on speaker phone with me present and ford said send the car to his service center let them drive it and look it over. we did that. they found more issues than i had any idea of. driveshaft out of balance and replaced, wheel not balanced - couldnt balance - replaced and of course the engine problems. So my next meeting in his office we discussed the findings and he called ford again this time not on speaker phone... at one point the general manger said something like ive ordered 43 of these and most on the lot are sold this will be taken care of. idk what was said on the other end. when he hung up my choices were ford would remove and repair the engine etc. plus slap on a extended warranty for free or pick another mustang off the lot. I picked another one. Point in all that long story was no amount of yelling kicking or screaming will make a difference and no lawyer or threats of legal issue will make any difference. What does make a difference to ford and dealers is money. the general managers of the dealerships are fords "real" customer. the general managers work for dealership owners. They have the ear of ford in ways pee ons like us simply dont have. the g.m. of the dealership knows the difference in long dollars from customers vs. short dollars. happy customers come back to buy again and tell friends of the help. customers that got hosed are a one and done sale and no future dollars come back. document everything. keep every paper every email and got to the gm and ask for his help.

airline tech

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Aug 24, 2022
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So my ranger had some issues awhile back. had random misfire and coolant smell from exhaust as well as missing coolant. Took it in and they couldn’t replicate the problem. took it back again and they found coolant in cyl 3 and replaced head gasket as well as the turbo as they found it had excessive play in the shaft. well the problem is still there and i’ve gone through over a gallon of coolant and still get the misfire as well as the cel illuminating. the truck now has a noticeable ping when you get on it and will pull back the boost rapidly under load. the dealership has had my truck 2 months and they said they cant replicate the problem. but they havent even taken the truck on a drive. there is only 3000 miles on it since the headgasket was replaced and i quit driving it when it started missing and losing coolant. Ive been without this truck for months. Was told to take it to another dealership but i wont drive it in its condition. i’m at a loss and dont want to lose my cool. I took it back to the same dealership that made the repairs.

thanks and sorry for the book.
Sorry you are having issues, but if the Head Gasket was replaced, and you are still losing coolant, then possibly a EGR Cooler leaking might be the initial cause.
Engines overheat due to this, caused the Head Gasket Leak, that is now possibly fixed as long as Head and Block surface was good.

What does it code?
I am thinking codes related to EGR Cooler or the DPFE sensor.

This would explain why they have possibly (?) looked at the same symptoms area they did before and found coolant in #3 cylinder. Hence, they cannot duplicate.
Duplicate = same evidence as before and a valid find.

I think it needs a second set of eyes and a deeper look, rather than focus on the Head Gasket although for confirmation, Borescope the Spark Plug Wells, if no coolant found then check the EGR Cooler. They are known to dump coolant and no evidence of leaks other than coolant loss.
As a mechanic this is where I would look next.

Verification checks and process of elimination
1. Due a good system - pressure check - INCLUDING the Pressure Cap, you would be suprised how often the cap is overlooked
2. Boro the Cylinders - Plug Holes
3. Check the coolant for exhaust gasses
4. Perform a cylinder leak down test
5. Deep look at the EGR cooler (PID monitor and internal leaks)
6. Pull the DPFE sensor and inspect for coolant inside the sensor.

1. Other possibles, for the run ability issues, Fouled O2 sensor and or damaged CAT, as a downside effect from the coolant in the exhaust system.

Basically, I am thinking a chain of events happened and the first link is being missed as from experience a blown head gasket is generally caused from overheat event.
Last edited:


First Name
Feb 2, 2019
Reaction score
Oregon coast
19' Ranger XLT 4X4, 1999 Ford F-250SD 7.3L 6Spd SuperCab Long-Bed, 05 Suzuki bandit 1200s, 16' Suzuki bandit 1250s
Water systems. Rv/ Trailer Transport.
Vehicle Showcase
Sorry you are having issues, but if the Head Gasket was replaced, and you are still losing coolant, then possibly a EGR Cooler leaking might be the initial cause.
Engines overheat due to this, caused the Head Gasket Leak, that is now possibly fixed as long as Head and Block surface was good.

What does it code?
I am thinking codes related to EGR Cooler or the DPFE sensor.

This would explain why they have possibly (?) looked at the same symptoms area they did before and found coolant in #3 cylinder. Hence, they cannot duplicate.
Duplicate = same evidence as before and a valid find.

I think it needs a second set of eyes and a deeper look, rather than focus on the Head Gasket although for confirmation, Borescope the Spark Plug Wells, if no coolant found then check the EGR Cooler. They are known to dump coolant and no evidence of leaks other than coolant loss.
As a mechanic this is where I would look next.

Verification checks and process of elimination
1. Due a good system - pressure check - INCLUDING the Pressure Cap, you would be suprised how often the cap is overlooked
2. Boro the Cylinders - Plug Holes
3. Check the coolant for exhaust gasses
4. Perform a cylinder leak down test
5. Deep look at the EGR cooler (PID monitor and internal leaks)
6. Pull the DPFE sensor and inspect for coolant inside the sensor.

1. Other possibles, for the run ability issues, Fouled O2 sensor and or damaged CAT, as a downside effect from the coolant in the exhaust system.

Basically, I am thinking a chain of events happened and the first link is being missed as from experience a blown head gasket is generally caused from overheat event.
They actually replaced the egr cooler prior to the head gasket repair “ i just forgot to list it as one of the repairs made” I stopped in today and got all the prior work orders printed out again to confirm my records. was told they have a RO open on the truck but have been too busy to take a good look at it with no progress to finding out what’s wrong… again it’s been 10/11 weeks. it’s been sitting in the same parking spot the entire time. Also the cat started throwing a code just prior to the head gasket being replaced. i’ll post the repair orders shortly on what’s been done. but egr cooler, to head gasket to still having the same vanishing coolant is approximately 3500-4000 miles. I ordered this truck and got the extended 5yr/100,000 mile warranty. my problem with getting it to the dealer i purchased it from is that i moved between then and now and it’s 150 miles away… ugh

