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  1. Happy Halloween

    My sister was born on Halloween, I always urged her to remove her mask but she didn't think I was very funny...
  2. Welcome back!!

    It's a red letter week when we have both Tracy @Tracy Bowman Bowman and Dave @AzScorpion regularly on the forum again. Now that Tracy has retired, she will have lots of time on her hands, and Dave? who knows about Dave...
  3. Happy Halloween

    Here on the West Coast the little munchkins will soon be ringing my doorbell and saying "Trick or Treat." I enjoy seeing the kids in their costumes, some are quite original. Now that I live by myself, its up to me to answer the door while I am trying to watch game 3 of the World Series, but...
  4. Only in California

    Bees are now legally considered fish in California under the state’s endangered species law, an appeals court in Sacramento ruled Tuesday.
  5. Baseball for 2022

    Its a red-letter day, MLB Channel broadcasting a preseason game. I'm so ready for baseball.
  6. Free Carfax Report

    just received an email from the dealer from whom I purchased the Ranger saying I had free Carfax Report. Anyone else receiving this? CARFAX Report for Life! As a valued customer, Future Ford Lincoln of Roseville has provided you with FREE ACCESS to your CARFAX Report & CARFAX Car Care...
