A side benefit is that after market ones are often fully tig welded and thus sturdier than the plastic and aluminum factory jobbie ( well my global one is anyway) which is obviously built to a price.
Er I wouldn't be too sure of that, you do realise that Global Foundries is ~ 80% owned by Mubadala Investment Company which is in turn owned by the Abu Dhabi government. It all dates back to when they bailed out AMD back in 2007.
I agree about the decentralization though, that is the way that...
Yep sure does, when I first bought my truck (secondhand) the first thing I did was change all the fluids being darkly suspicious of "dealer servicing" which it had previously had. One thing was the diesel fuel filter which is absolutely imperative with a common rail diesel. Mine came out as...
Yes I had a similar problem with my small reciprocating compressor, then I picked up one of these when my dad closed down his workshop. Problem solved, they're much quieter too.
Wish Ford fitted those to the diesel models released in Aus, no, even though the filter is in the same place, they just let it spill out over the chassis and front diff. So it drips for days afterwards, no matter how well you think you have cleaned up.
I use something like this, of course it will only work for changing a tyre if you also have a safety stand to use with it as well.
Yes they are really popular over here, particularly with young families or people who live in the inner city where parking spaces are small and infrequent. All the advantages of a Ranger with the advantages of a station wagon. They're basically a Ranger from the back of the rear door forward...
They don't need that just serve up some some Surstromming or Hakarl that would be enough to scare off any invaders. I've tried Hakarl, it's actually not too bad as long as you do not smell it before you eat it. If you do it is what I imagine a chewy urinal cake might taste like. But...